The sequel to Square Enix’s 2016 sandbox game set in the Dragon Quest universe, Dragon Quest Builders 2 will have a variety of new features and mechanics, such as providing the player with more stackable, slopes, the ability to swim underwater, filling structures with water, creating waterfalls, and gliding from high areas. The game will also support cooperative multiplayer for up to four people.
The first Dragon Quest Builders released for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and the Vita in Japan on January 28, 2016, and for the PlayStation 4 and Vita on October 11, 2016 in North America. The game received worldwide positive critical reception despite its lack of multiplayer features, while still being able to provide a distinct experience from similar games like Minecraft.
The release window for Dragon Quest Builders 2 is currently unknown at this time and a Western release of the game is yet to be announced.
Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Dragon Quest Builders 2 news and information as it develops.